From June 11 to June 20, Cynthia and I were in Paris attending meetings of FIA, Federation International of Actors, a federation of actors unions from around the world of which the Screen Actors Guild is an affiliate. The conference ran for 4 days and then we took some time to enjoy our favorite city in the world and to celebrate our forty first wedding anniversary a month early at our favorite restaurant, La Closerie des Lilas.
May 25, 2003
On May 15, 2003, at the headquarters of the Los Angeles Unified School District Police Department, I was sworn in as the first Reserve Officer in its history by Chief of Police, Alan B. Kerstein. My friend, Commander Larry Manion, conducted the Badge Ceremony. My Badge number, 2430, is the same badge number I wore during my seven years on Adam-12.
I will be serving to help the department in their efforts to create and maintain a safe environment for the almost 1 million students and school personnel in the 950 schools in the district. You can learn more about the Department at their website, On May 7, 2003, I again MC'd
the South Bay Medal of Valor Awards ceremony. My best to all,
4-17-03, I will be at Central Division as they inaugurate this honor
(see below). ABC is doing a story at 3PM and Court TV is supposed to
cover it's maiden voyage live at 6:15 PM. Adam 12 LOS ANGELES (CNS) - "1 Adam 12.'' The words roll off the tongue, thanks to the old "Adam 12'' TV series co- starring Martin Milner and Kent McCord as fictional LAPD officers. The Los Angeles Police Department never used those words in dispatching real cops, but it will soon. The LAPD's Central Station is rolling out a two-officer patrol unit designated "1 Adam 12.'' Sets of high-performing officers assigned to the station will be assigned to the downtown patrol unit during each shift as a sort of reward, said Lt. Pat Hernandez. "It's going to be for officers who are high producers,'' said the lieutenant, a watch commander at the Central Station on East Sixth Street. Capt. Charlie Beck, who is in charge of the downtown patrol area, came up with the idea, said Sgt. John Pasquariello of Media Relations. Though "1 Adam 12'' was never officially an LAPD unit, it closely resembles how the Police Department labels patrol units. The 1 stands for Central Station - the LAPD has 18 citywide - and the A denotes a two- person car. The 12 denotes the "beat'' within the overall patrol area. "Adam 12,''
produced by Jack Webb of "Dragnet'' fame, ran for seven season,
starting in the fall of 1968. It followed uniformed officers on patrol
in Plymouth "black and whites.'' The program was partly filmed
at In a 1997 story in Daily Variety, McCord, who played Officer Jim Reed on the show, said "Adam 12'' helped give police work an air of dignity and respect the world over. "Police work became something that people aspired to,'' he said. "It wasn't a propaganda tool for the LAPD - what we were trying to portray was two good cops.'' An
attempt to subjugate the Screen Actors Guild to the status of an Affiliate
in a new union is being attempted. I am participating with a number
of my fellow Screen Actors Guild and AFTRA members to Save SAG and AFTRA.
For information, please check out,
April 3, 2003
Final episode of FARSCAPE March 21. To all the loyal fans of FARSCAPE, thank you for all the support you have given to this most unique show. I had a great time being a part of it. (Click thumbnails below for larger image)
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